Wondering if a career in image consulting is the right move for you? The oh-so-gorgeous Eldine MacRobert of Crown My Style is here to inspire you with her story and share what kick-started her image consulting career.

About me and my image consulting business
I’m a wife, a mother to three kids and a believer who wants to dedicate her life to the Lord. I believe that clothing is one of the most powerful and important means we have in communicating the message of our hearts, our values and what we believe. Crown My Style is about helping women align their inner beauty with their outward appearance. My niche is mostly mothers – I love connecting one-on-one with other women.
My journey to becoming an image consultant
One day I was listening to a sermon and the speaker said something that resonated with me: no matter where we are in life, God still has a dream for each of us. Every day I asked God in prayer about the dream that He had for my life. At that stage, I was a full-time mom to my children and absolutely loved it, but I knew that I needed to work with women one day.
On two separate occasions, two people commented out of the blue that they could picture me in a styling career. I would often open up a magazine or turn on the television and see some mention of image consulting. I started to feel like this was the Lord’s direction for my life and prayed for confirmation.
Then one morning I woke up excited and with a deep knowledge that I needed to do an image consulting course. In prayer I asked God for one more confirmation. Ten minutes later, my husband phoned from his overseas trip and said, “I know this might sound strange, but I just went for a run and the Lord told me that He put a new dream in your heart.”
Choosing my business name
I was praying about a name for my business and the Lord showed me a picture of a crown. I thought, “Oh Lord, everybody has done a crown already!” Then He led me to read about the five crowns in the New Testament which I hadn’t heard about before: the Crown of Life, the Crown of Joy, the Crown of Righteousness, the Crown of Glory and the Imperishable Crown. I was amazed by what each crown represented. God showed me that He wants to be the crown of every woman’s style and that this should be the foundation of my business.
My growing image consulting career
I first joined Image Innovators SA because of the amazing tools they provide which I can offer my clients. As soon as I joined, I was welcomed into a family of women who believe in the power of growth through knowledge. The Image Innovators SA team want you to succeed and be the best in what you do. Their webinars and ongoing training are truly in a league of their own.
There are so many things to love about being an image consultant! I love seeing the transformation that colour can have on a person’s appearance. You don’t need to lose a few kilos to look amazing now – the right colours can do wonders! My heart is to empower women with a colouring that will bring a vibrant youthfulness to their face and a practical style that fits their lifestyle and true identity – while speaking life-giving words over them and affirming their worth.
Balancing personal life with running a business can be tricky, and I’ve failed many times! But over the last year, I’ve learned to be stricter with myself about creating “work hours”. The afternoons belong to my kids and driving them around to extramural activities and doing school work.
My next business goal is to look deeper into the hidden mysteries of the prophetic meaning of colour and how it aligns with people’s lives. I’m fascinated by colour and would like to find a way to incorporate this with the colour analyses I offer.
If you’re interested in a career in image consulting, learn more about our online training options here.